Breaking Up with Addiction: Writing a Goodbye Letter to Addiction

You turned me into what I hated more than anything else. You robbed me of my independence and freedom. Remember when you moved in with me for good? Ah, the glory days when nothing else mattered. I even started to bring you to work with me every morning. I couldn’t just let you sleep in all day and then have to wait until dinner time to see each other.

goodbye letter to alcohol

I am deciding that I have had enough of you. I was too scared to leave you before. I was scared of what my life might look like without you. I watched you dig my grave from day one.

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Drug abuse can be a coping mechanism to maintain a brief increase in dopamine or suppress your mental illness symptoms. At Resurgence Behavioral Health, we ask you to bring a journal or notebook to record your journey to sobriety. In your goodbye letter to drugs, describing the effects abuse has had on your life can motivate change. Having problems with the law, strained personal relationships, damaged reputation, and damaged self-esteem are some effects we don’t want to acknowledge. Moving on is still important to our mental and physical health, as well as every other aspect of our lives. While writing a goodbye letter to alcohol and drugs may sound good in theory, you may not know where to begin. Instead of getting overwhelmed, these tips on writing a goodbye letter to addiction can help you get started.

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Her name is Recovery and she makes me feel good about myself…as a Person, a Father, a Spouse, and a Friend. When you are strong in recovery, it may be helpful to share your letter with family and friends. Your insights into those behaviors may help heal broken relationships cause by alcoholism. After a few months of monotony, I realized you were becoming an expensive friend to keep around for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But no person could ever get in between us so I certainly wasn’t going to let money get in our way. I knew I had to have you by my side at all times so I did whatever it took to assure our time together would never end.

What is a Goodbye Letter to Drugs?

The relationship between you and I may be at an end, but it is not too late for me to rebuild my relationships with my family members and friends. I now know that none of these feelings were genuine and that I was being goodbye letter to alcohol manipulated throughout our time together. Whenever I felt like you were the key to getting through life, it was nothing more than a lie. For this and many more reasons, it is now time to bid you “goodbye” forever.

Honestly, I don’t really remember exactly when I realized it was over. You made me abandon my sense of right and wrong to keep us together. Whenever I did something illegal for you, I would tell myself it was just one time. Fortunately, those feelings are in the past; I know better now that I have achieved sobriety. The hardest thing about letting you go was putting myself first. But that decision is what ultimately showed me just how strong I am, and how much I am capable of.

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Yep, these are some of those not-good moments we had together. This is a difficult letter to write, and I should have written it years ago. I’m as much to blame as you, and I’ve finally decided that we can’t go on like this any longer. You didn’t force yourself Sober Home on me…I was just as willing to begin our long friendship as you. But, if you are in therapy for alcoholism, it’s a useful tool to share with your counselor or group. This letter gives an honest look at your struggle with alcohol from your point of view.

You also agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. This agreement isn’t a condition of any purchase. You are stronger than your addiction, you may just need to remind yourself of this in your letter. Our relationship’s silver lining is that I’m stronger than I’ve ever been. Addiction, my connection with you has turned me into a prize of elegance. Relationships have been repaired, and new ones have been established. You assured me that everything would be OK if I surrendered control of my life to you. You just ever took and took, but you never gave. Actually, I reject my statement; you did donate. You caused me pain and burnt bridges.

I knew you were destroying my life. And I knew there was nothing I could do about it. Hannah Rose, LCPC, is a therapist, writer, public speaker, and lover of all things caffeinated. You used and abused me, controlled my every action and thought, and destroyed me from the inside out. Part of me knew you were slowly killing me, but I had reached a point where the only thing I was living for was you. We had so much fun together; we grew up together. You introduced me to your more illicit friends, some of whom I was more attracted to than you, but even in their presence I never strayed from your side. I could love you all simultaneously, but in the end, my allegiance lay with you. The others were fleeting flings, and you and I would be together forever. I think I was in love with you long before we ever had the chance to meet.

And they knew that your plan all along was to take my life. And they knew, I alone, could not stop you from achieving your goal. And how I could I forget my mother’s feelings about our unbreakable bond? She treated it like a high school relationship, like it was just some obsession.

I spent years trying to leave you, but I never succeeded for more than a few days or weeks at a time. In fact, I was in debt because of you. But, my dear addiction, I see you for what you are. They say that when we are sitting in meetings (12-step programs), you are outside in the parking lot doing push ups. Multiple interventions, rehabs, car accidents, legal problems, and hospitalizations later, you still have an unholy hold on me. It makes me sick to consider what my life might have been like had I never met you. I’m writing my girlfriend of many years a goodbye letter right now while she’s asleep. CBT addresses drug addiction by making you aware of negative thinking so you can effectively challenge yourself.

The California natural habitat is a perfect place for reflection and journaling your goodbye letter to drugs. In addition, you can enjoy the comfort of our therapy dogs throughout your stay. We make it our top priority to provide you with the most satisfying experience possible in your journey to health. I began having physical signs of alcoholism. I went to the doctor and he hold me my liver was being damaged and recommended I seek a treatment program.

Saying goodbye to alcohol and not using is definitely the first thing that had to happen for me. Alcohol did, in a small way and for short periods of time, comfort me when there seemed to be little else. But as the years passed, it warped my thinking and behavior to a point it was impossible for me to function anymore. Not just mentally and spiritually, but finally physically as well. By the grace of God, I ended up in the hospital to be saved from my physical death due to the years of alcohol use. To stop using was just the tip of the iceberg. I had to, and continue to, say goodbye to the old mentality and behaviors that were born so long ago and became what was my way of living. Clinging to the emotional bonds may also be our way of avoiding seeking treatment. But knowing what happens when we drink alcohol every day needs to be separated from our sentiments about alcohol. Alyssa who is the National Director of Digital Marketing, joined the Banyan team in 2016, bringing her five-plus years of experience.

goodbye letter to alcohol

With your presence, I somehow suddenly became desirable and attractive. You made me sick for a full 24 hours afterward, but I didn’t care. I immediately knew that I loved you, that you loved me, and that you were capable of making my dreams come true. I couldn’t wait to be with you again. I see now how dangerous such a relationship this is. You’ve given me the illusion of happiness, but never the real thing.

  • Saying goodbye to your addiction in a goodbye letter to drugs will enable you to hold yourself accountable and encourage your future self.
  • I now know that none of these feelings were genuine and that I was being manipulated throughout our time together.
  • If I tried to even cut back a little time with you, you would make me feel even worse, inside and out.

I saw this as having fun, being happy and having a good time. At times, my family members would let me drink, give me mixed drinks or beer. As I reached about 17, I was starting to drink with kids from school — whatever they could get. I was stealing beer and hard liquor from my parents. Preparing a goodbye letter to addiction sounds like a wonderful idea. But you might not know where to start.

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